homicide的意思 > 英语造句典 > 古诗词


1、We're from the homicide unit.

2、She is not a psychic, nor a homicide detective, nor a kook.

3、He felt like a homicide as he raised the gun and pulled the trigger
他举枪扣动扳机时,感觉自己像个 * 犯

4、New program has the show of dolphin and homicide whale, have headroom diving.
新奇的节目有海豚和 * 鲸的表演,并有高空跳水。

5、And they applied it to teeth from a homicide victim in Sweden.

6、Armed robbery, racketeering... he was charged with homicide in the mid '70s.
持械抢劫,敲诈勒索…他在70年代中期还以 * 罪被起诉过。

7、In the middle Assyrian laws also, homicide — it's up to the family.
同样,在中亚述法典里,对 * 罪的惩罚取决于死者家人。

8、We have put the homicide case on file for investigation and prosecution.

9、Every year, there are an estimated 31 000 homicide deaths in children under 15.

10、Muggah says the survey shows homicide rates throughout Haiti also have gone down since 2007.

11、The man who in a fit of jealous rage commit a homicide is found guilty
这个因一时忌妒而 * 的男人被判有罪。

12、Meanwhile, Andy responds to a homicide at a pawnshop with a rookie officer.
同时,安迪回应在一个菜鸟警官当铺 * 。

13、Homicide cover the crime of murder, manslaughter and infanticide.
* 包括谋杀罪,过失 * 和杀害婴儿。

14、Personal recognizance for a homicide case.
一个 * 案仅仅有个人保证书……

15、Homicide by automobile is a special category of homicide recognized in some states.
汽车肇事 * 罪是一些州所规定的特定类别的非预谋 * 罪。

16、The chances for them to be involved in gang violence and homicide go up astronomically.
他们极有可能卷入打架斗殴或 * 的事件中。

17、After an unexpected homicide at the halfway point, both films fall apart.

18、For the rest of the sample the link between inequality and homicide does not hold.
不平等和 * 案之间的联系也无法支持剩下的采样值。

19、Youth homicide rates vary dramatically between and within countries.
青少年 * 比例在不同国家之间及一国之内相差悬殊。

20、We got an obvious homicide here.

21、The driver was arrested for culpable homicide and drunk driving, police told CNN.
警方告诉CNN,驾驶员讲以 * 罪和酒后驾车被逮捕。

22、Rates of youth homicide among females are much lower than rates among males almost everywhere.
女性中青少年 * 的比例在几乎所有地区均大大低于男性。

23、But overall crime statistics, including homicide rates, are at 20 year lows and dropping steadily.

24、Jones is a police detective from the Homicide squad

25、Most of the detectives in Homicide played at the Y on Huntington.

26、Homicide is the leading cause of death among black men.


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