peekaboo的意思 > 英语造句典 > 古诗词


1、The final secret to the enduring popularity of peekaboo is that it isn't actually a single game.
* 经久不衰的最终秘密就是,其实它并不是一款游戏。

2、Peekaboo never gets old.
* 永远不会过时。

3、Peekaboo USES the fundamental structure of all good jokes - surprise, balanced with expectation.
在 * 这个游戏中蕴含着所有优质笑话的基本结构——惊喜,与之协调的期待。

4、The secret to the enduring popularity of peekaboo is that it isn't actually a single game.
* 这个游戏经久不衰,全球风靡的秘密在于,它不仅仅只是一个游戏。

5、The ruling will only change the way that Peekaboo board members will be removed.

6、He's hoping to woo her with his peculiar peekaboo display but she's not about to be rushed.
它希望用奇特的 * 游戏来向雌性求爱,但她却不想轻易将芳心托付。

7、I wonder why peekaboo is such an exciting game for little babies.

8、And of course those two years are prime peekaboo time.
当然这两年就是玩 * 的最佳时间。