pistol的意思 > 英语造句典 > 古诗词


1、a short-barreled pocket pistol of large caliber
一种短管大口径的袖珍 * 。

2、He held a pistol up to my chest.

3、He held a pistol up to my chest

4、He threatened to pistol me.
他威胁要 * 向我射击。

5、a pistol with a revolving cylinder having six chambers for bullets
一种具有可旋转气缸并且具有六个可发射 * 的枪膛的 * 。

6、Vaguely I thought that a pistol shot can be heard for a great distance.

7、A. He presented a pistol at me.
他 * 对着我。

8、a toy pistol that squirts water

9、He reached into his wagon and drew a pistol from his baggage :
他手伸进马车,从包里掏出了 * 。

10、He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear.
他急忙抓起 * ,向那头黑熊射击。

11、The dogs tried to protect us and we fired a signal pistol to try and scare it away.

12、He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear
他急忙抓起 * ,向那头黑熊射击。

13、All the runners were at the ready, awaiting the pistol shot that would start the race.

14、a short-barreled pocket pistol of large caliber.
一种短管大口径的袖珍 * 。

15、He wore a pistol yesterday
他昨天佩著一支 * 。

16、Her arm is still and her grip on the air pistol is steady.
她的胳臂纹丝不动,手稳稳地握住 * 。

17、The pistol came to pieces, easily and quickly.
* 轻易地就破碎了。

18、Jesse took the.32 from his pocket and let the pistol 's weight settle in his hand.

19、B.He presented a pistol to me
他赠送我一支 * 。

20、He thrust his hand down his stocking, and suddenly took a pistol out

21、He shot a pistol at me.
他 * 向我射击。

22、He waved a pistol menacingly atus
他威胁似地向我们挥动 * 。

23、A pistol wasn't that hard to hide under a loose shirt.
把一支 * 藏在宽松的衬衣里面并没那么难。

24、He fired but his pistol failed to go off.

25、The man pulled a pistol under the pillow
那人从枕头下面掏出一把 * 。

26、A pistol shot.

27、She aimed a pistol at the bandit point-blank
她 * 直接瞄准强盗。

28、This man dressed like a ninja waved and shot a pistol while holding up a New Mexico bank.

29、What are the events of the pistol shooting?
* 射击有哪些项目?

30、When Javert had disappeared, jean Valjean fired his pistol in the air.


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